maureen chang    •      


Ludus is a holographic game board that allows people to play a multitude of different board games all on one device.

Learning Outcomes

For this project I learned a lot about how to apply technologies for a future system. A lot of research went into researching the past and futures of present technologies and how to design a system for those technologies.
Mission Statement

Our mission is to create a dynamic game board experience that allows its users to switch through all their favorite board games and connect with others.
SKU Matrix

Brainstorming the different forms of technologies the different touchpoints of my system can exist in.
Device Interaction

These are the different components of the hand tracking and holographic projection devices. As well as how a user would would physically interact with them.

User Goals

• Play with friends in seperate places
• Be able to travel with device easily
• Not have to care about losing small parts
• Play lots of different games
• Connect with people around the world
• Not be separated by a screen

Ecosystem Diagram

This is how the user would navigate the system.
User Scenario Storyboard
User Scenario Video Scenes
User Scenario Video
© 2022 Maureen Chang